A Short History

Hello! I'm Will but my friends call me Backlight and here is a little bit of history.

To figure out where it all begins, we have to begin when I was a small child. My father who had just come out of the United States Air Force, decided to pursue a career in Air Traffic Control. This would bring me near airplanes from the start. Across 18 years I would gain a major fascination for aviation and aviation history, completing as many goals towards flying as possible.

Many of my friends know me as the "Local Pan-Am Historian" for my interest and knowledge on Pan American Airlines. This would begin when I was around 17 after watching the 2011 PanAm show out of curiosity. Sparking a major interest in the airlines history, I would spend hours searching through the University of Miami's archives and talking to many prior passengers and crew, in hopes of learning as much as possible about the previously home grown and legendary airline.

I've been noted to have a interest for old things and as such, I would show a great interest in older aircraft and engines as I thought they were quite neat for their time. This would drive me to start my local daily fact service on Discord called "Backlight's random engine review". The growing popularity of the reviews would drive me to create this website for future facts and historical information.